Wednesday 14 March 2012

Week Seven

This week was all about movement and action is dynamic poses and posture. Posture is all about balance and weight and pose is all about gesture, how we convey life through the drawing.


This is a series of quick 5 minute sketches, where the model started off in a very static pose, using a closed form and then ended up the opposite, in a dynamic pose, using open form. The first of the three images shows a good sense of balance and weight, you can see that the weight is mostly on the models back leg and she is leaning forwards slightly with her head in her hands. This sketch has a good use of line and shows good body proportions. The middle sketch doesn't use as good proportion as the first as the torso is too long for the legs. The angles of the body are fairly accurate and the slight tilt of the head has been done nicely. There isn't as good balance in this sketch as the last. The last sketch has been drawn too big for the page and as a result the legs have had to be shortened to fit on better, this again is not good proportion. The torso is a better size this time and the head is more upright, which you can see. Overall, as the pose got more dynamic and the form got more open the worse the standard of the quick sketch got, most probably due to the fact that the more open the form, the more lines there are to see.

This is a quick sketch of model lying down resting on her side. The pose that the model is doing is fairly static and her form is slightly more open than closed, as the arms are quite far apart showing you the models body and one leg is reached straight out opening the form up more. The overall posture of this picture is pretty good as you can see a good sense of balance, the picture doesn't make the model look as though she's about the topple over and you can see the weight that flows through arms and onto the models right hand and left arm. The proportions of the sketch are fairly accurate and for a 10 minute sketch a lot of information has been put down. The level of detail is nice as you can see the flattened breast and the slight tilt of the head as she was looking down. This picture was drawn using a 4B pencil.

This is a very quick sketch that lasted less than a minute. It shows movement. It shows the model sitting on a chair and gradually pushing herself up and moving slightly forward till she was in a standing position. The overall line quality is not very good as it is a very rushed piece of art, but the general idea of movement is there, as you can see several heads, bodies, arms and legs all at different stages of the movement.

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